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🔥 There is only a little over a week left to participate in the third round of document nominations for the Collection, with the deadline for submission being March 9, 2024! In this post, let's join the Digital Heritage Collection to answer some questions raised for this round of document contributions!

✨ Digital Heritage Collection hopes that the above questions can answer the questions of individuals and communities who are in the process of responding to our invitation. as well as providing useful information to other viewers!

1. Who can nominate materials for the Digital Collection?

Researchers, experts in the field of heritage, sustainable development, individual practitioners, community members; organizations, groups, associations from communities from all regions across Vietnam can participate in submitting documents. We encourage participation from young people, women's groups, girls and ethnic minorities.

2. What types of materials can be nominated for the Digital Collection?

📌 Photographs or hand-drawn images of cultural heritage objects or community heritage practices, such as handmade decorative objects, traditional patterns, ceremonial objects, musical instruments, costumes, etc. Provide additional information about the meaning or story behind the object, including stories related to familiar family or community artifacts that outsiders may not know.

📌 Video or audio recording of a local cultural heritage practice such as a performance, song, dance, chant, poetry reading, storytelling, etc. or any local performance or festival or ceremony. Include commentary to help viewers understand the context, interesting information or stories about the local cultural heritage practice.

👉 Please note that we do not require you to send an object, but rather expect you to reproduce the object through digitization, i.e. photographing, drawing by hand and scanning, reconstructing, or recording audio, video, etc. of cultural heritage. Digitization can be done by yourself, and your object belongs to you or your community, and should always stay with you and your community.

3. How much is the support package worth?

The program offers a support package of 5 million VND, 10 million VND, and 15 million VND for each selected proposal. This is not the cost of the program to acquire the object or to digitize the object, but rather the support package for the time we expect you to work with the material as well as the resources you will use, to ensure that we will have the digital content of the object or practice you nominate for the collection in accordance with the technical requirements.

4. How will the materials be evaluated, selected and shared?

The selection of nominations for inclusion in the collection will be supported by a team comprising British Council representatives and cultural heritage professionals and cultural practitioners from the host communities and locations. These are people with a deep understanding of culture and community cultural heritage, and a high level of expertise in collection building, including digital collections.

5. If my nominated material is not selected in round 1, can I resubmit it in the next rounds?

You can submit this material in the next round, but please note that you should add more detailed and complete information to convince the members of the expert group. If your nomination is not selected, it does not mean that the object or practice you nominated is not valuable, but only that within the framework of the activity, we are temporarily unable to provide further support for this object or practice.


The Connected Heritage Digital Collection is a free online platform initiated by the British Council and implemented by TUVA Communications, allowing community members to upload and share cultural heritage materials including texts, images, videos, audio files, etc. The platform is also an open forum connecting heritage lovers across Vietnam.

Nominate your materials for the British Council’s Connecting Heritage Digital Collection and stand a chance to receive small grants to support your collection and sharing efforts. The deadline for round 3 applications is 09.03.2024.

See more information here:

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